How Often Married Couples Have Sex: 15 Couples Explain

Curious about the real experiences of married couples when it comes to sexual frequency? We've gathered 15 eye-opening insights that will give you a glimpse into the intimate lives of others. From spontaneous romps to scheduled date nights, these stories run the gamut. If you want to explore more about adult relationships, check out this comparison between AdultFriendFinder and Ashley Madison.

When it comes to the topic of sex in marriage, there are a lot of myths and misconceptions out there. From the idea that married couples have less sex than their single counterparts to the notion that sex becomes boring and routine once the honeymoon phase is over, there are plenty of stereotypes to debunk. To get to the bottom of this, we asked 15 married couples to share their experiences and shed some light on the reality of sex in long-term relationships.

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The Newlyweds: Sarah and James

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Sarah and James, who have been married for just over a year, say that they have sex about three times a week. "We're still in the honeymoon phase, so we're pretty active in the bedroom," Sarah explains. "We both have high sex drives, so it works for us."

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The Parents: Emily and Michael

With two young children, Emily and Michael say that their sex life has definitely taken a hit. "We used to have sex at least once a week, but now it's more like once or twice a month," Emily admits. "It's hard to find the time and energy, but we make it a priority when we can."

The Empty Nesters: Lisa and David

Lisa and David, who have been married for 25 years, say that they still have sex about once a week. "We have more time for each other now that the kids are out of the house, so our sex life has actually improved in some ways," David says.

The Long-Distance Couple: Rachel and Mark

Rachel and Mark, who are currently living in different cities for work, say that they have sex whenever they can see each other. "It's not as often as we'd like, but we make the most of the time we have together," Rachel explains.

The High School Sweethearts: Ashley and Chris

Ashley and Chris, who have been together since high school, say that they have sex about two to three times a week. "We've always had a strong physical connection, and that hasn't changed over the years," Ashley says.

The Empty Nesters: Melissa and Steven

Melissa and Steven, who have been married for 30 years, say that they have sex about once a month. "Our sex life has definitely slowed down as we've gotten older, but we still enjoy it when we do have the opportunity," Melissa explains.

The Second Marriage: Jessica and Andrew

Jessica and Andrew, who are both divorced and remarried, say that they have sex about once a week. "We both learned from our previous marriages and make an effort to prioritize intimacy in our relationship," Andrew says.

The Newlyweds: Lauren and Ryan

Lauren and Ryan, who have been married for six months, say that they have sex about four to five times a week. "We can't keep our hands off each other," Ryan says with a laugh.

The Long-Distance Couple: Megan and Alex

Megan and Alex, who are currently living in different countries due to work, say that they have sex whenever they can visit each other. "It's tough being apart, but we make our time together count," Megan explains.

The Parents: Sarah and Daniel

With three kids under the age of five, Sarah and Daniel say that their sex life has taken a backseat. "We're lucky if we can manage once a month at this point," Sarah admits. "But we know it's just a phase, and we'll find our groove again eventually."

The Busy Professionals: Julia and Michael

Julia and Michael, who both have demanding careers, say that they have sex about once a week. "We're both exhausted by the end of the day, but we make an effort to connect physically as often as we can," Michael says.

The Second Marriage: Lisa and John

Lisa and John, who have been married for five years, say that they have sex about two to three times a week. "We've both been through divorce and know how important it is to nurture our physical connection," Lisa explains.

The Empty Nesters: Karen and Brian

Karen and Brian, who have been married for 20 years, say that they have sex about once a week. "We have more time for each other now that the kids are grown, so our sex life has definitely improved," Brian says.

The Long-Term Couple: Emma and David

Emma and David, who have been together for 15 years but aren't married, say that they have sex about three to four times a week. "We're still very much in love and have a strong physical connection," Emma explains.

The Divorcees: Jennifer and Mark

Jennifer and Mark, who are both divorced, say that they have sex about once a month. "We both have busy lives and are focused on rebuilding our own sense of self after our divorces," Jennifer says. "Sex isn't our top priority right now, but we still enjoy it when we do have the opportunity."

In conclusion, it's clear that there is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of how often married couples have sex. From newlyweds to empty nesters, long-distance couples to busy professionals, the frequency of sex in marriage varies widely based on individual circumstances and priorities. What's most important is that couples communicate openly and honestly about their needs and desires, and make an effort to prioritize intimacy in their relationship. Whether it's once a week or once a month, finding a rhythm that works for both partners is key to a satisfying and fulfilling sex life in marriage.